Exercising During Pregnancy
It is not uncommon for women to wonder if working out during pregnancy will put their baby at risk. Matter of fact, not only is it safe for pregnant women to exercise, but engaging in physical activity while pregnant can be beneficial for the health of the woman and her baby.
Regular exercise is linked to a wide range of health benefits, such as improved sleep, improved mood, reduced stress & anxiety, and faster childbirth. It can also help reduce the risk of preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and hypertensive disorders. It can also help to minimize discomfort.
Women should aim to do low impact, moderate intensity exercises that lead to light sweating and slight increases in heart rate.
In general, you do not need to change your exercise routine much compared to when you were not pregnant. Which means, if you were running pre-pregnancy, you are likely safe to do so during pregnancy. There are signs during exercise that indicate you should talk to a qualified health care professional:
Round ligament pain
Vaginal bleeding
Pressure and heaviness within the pelvic floor region
Light headed or dizziness
Pelvic pain
The Get Active Questionnaire for Pregnancy is a good place to start. You can use this screening tool on your own or with a qualified healthcare professional to decide whether you are safe to exercise. Click on the link below to see the questionnaire:
Everyone should see a pelvic floor physiotherapist during pregnancy to determine appropriate exercises for their pelvic floor specific to their trimester and current activity levels. At Northwood we all can help you stay fit, active and as healthy as possible through your pregnancy journey.